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Save Yick Wo Elementary: A Neighborhood’s Heartbeat

We stand united in opposition to the closure of Yick Wo Elementary School. If this happens, it would devastate the school community and District 3, which is disproportionately affected by the closures. Instead, we should grow Yick Wo as an integral neighborhood school.

Thank you Charlie Ertola, Yick Wo alum for showing Panda pride!

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Protect Our Neighborhood School

Why Yick Wo Elementary Must Stay Open

Yick Wo Elementary is the heart of District 3, supporting families, local businesses, and community services in one of San Francisco’s most vibrant neighborhoods. The proposed closure would displace children from their walkable school and disrupt the vital services that so many rely on.

As one of the few truly walkable schools, Yick Wo connects students to local organizations like TelHi, Salesians, and the YMCA Chinatown, fostering independence and strong community ties.

Kids Belong in District 3 (D3)

A Walkable Community School

Diverse and Inclusive Community

Beacon for Students with Special Needs

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we need your help!

Share your Stories, Photos and Video

We’re looking for your contributions to showcase the spirit of Yick Wo Elementary and our community’s efforts to keep the school open.

Please share your photos, words and videos of:

Written Testimonials: Share your story or your child’s experience at Yick Wo and why the school matters to you. A photo of you or your family along with the testimonial.

Video Testimonials: Video of you or your child, community members and the impact Yick Wo has on them.

School Life: General photos capturing everyday moments at the school—classroom activities, events, and more.

Campaigning: Photos and videos of our community’s efforts to save Yick Wo, including rallies, signs, and events. Your submissions will help us create a stronger, more personal narrative around the camp

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Support Our Fight: Donate Now

Your donation helps fund the effort to keep Yick Wo Elementary open.

Every dollar counts in our fight to save Yick Wo Elementary. Your contribution will directly support campaign efforts like creating banners, organizing community events, distributing flyers, and building awareness across San Francisco. By donating, you’re helping us protect a vital part of our community and ensure that Yick Wo remains a place where children thrive.

Any funds that do not get used for this campaign will be used to fund school programs. Learn More Here.

Thank you for standing with us. Together, we can make a difference.

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Get Involved

From attending meetings to signing petitions and sharing your story, there are many ways you can get involved.

Whether you have time to attend events, help with outreach, or assist behind the scenes, every contribution makes a difference.

We’ll reach out with updates and keep you posted on what the community needs help with. Together, we can make sure that Yick Wo Elementary stays open and continues to serve our children and our neighborhood. Your involvement is key to our success—thank you for standing with us!